Queen Rearing Material nicot in plastic

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Registered Pattern

Used since 1981




Fix side by side with nails, lengthwise, on the wood bar of breeding frame. The rectangular shape gives the scale. Avoid the piercing of the wood plates and the cutting of the cells when taking off.



Is used with the transparent Cell cup CNE3. Interlock the whole on Support CNE1.

Has a hole in the back, which allows with a tip (pen) to separate the Cup with Royal Cell from the block without touching it (for the introduction in CNE8).

During queen introducing, can also be used as a candy block, closed during transport by cap B1.



CNE3 : CELL CUP made from PS seethrough brown for Queen and Royal Jelly

Suitable for contact with foodstuffs.

Is used with the cell cup Block CNE2.

Dimensions : Ø outside 10mm, Ø inside 9mm.

Can be stuck with wax on the bars for the production of royal jelly.


To check you are using our cups, here are some pictures.




Height 53mm.

Fill the vat or the drawer of the incubator with the cages, opening on the top.

Each cage will be able to receive one whole of a Block CNE2 and a Cell Cup CNE3 with the Queen Cell closed.

Is used as protect-support for the queen cell in the incubator. Allows also the hatching of the queen in the incubator (in this case, put 1 drop of honey in the expected location at the bottom of the CNE4).



Transparent - Height 70mm.

With honey reserve in the cap, to feed the young queen.

Is used with the whole Block CNE2 and Cell cup CNE3 with queencell closed. Allows the emerging of the queen directly in the rearing hive (with the use of Support CNE1) or in the incubator (in this case, put 1 drop of honey in the expected location in the cover of the CNE5).

Can also be used for queen’s shipping and introducing in the hive. Is used with the Block CNE2 filled with candy. Place the queen in the Cage CNE5. During transport, close Block CNE2 with Cap B1. Lift Cap B1 before introducing. Queen will go out of the whole through Block CNE2’s hole.





Place natural cell in Block CNE7. Close with Cap B2, fixed on Support CNE1.

If you want collect the queen, fit Cage CNE5 on the whole.



Is used with Cell cup CNE3, is not used with cell cup Block CNE2.

Allows from a queen cell on cell cup P.S. to change a queen of a colony without destruction of the old one and in one operation with success in nearly 50% of case for a queen aged of 1 year, depending from the season. The best time is the introduction of queen cell ready to incubate (14/15 days) in orphaned colonies (fertilizations) and this also with eggs or open brood. The colonies very often damage the cells or pierce these. With this tube, it becomes impossible.

Collect a whole Block CNE2 and Cell cup CNE3 with queencell closed. Place Cell cup CNE3 with Royal Cell above the CNE8 Tube. With a tip (pen), press the Cup from the rear hole of the CNE2 Block and drop the assembly whole Cup + closed Royal Cell into the CNE8 Tube. Insert everything between 2 frames by planting the ear of the CNE8 in the foundation.




Replace queen cell. Allows the rebirth of virgin queens of maximum 1 day old in an orphan colony.

Introduce the queen in the artificial queen cell KNE9 closed on one side by the cap and on the other side by a wax capping pierced with a very small airholes. The queen is free after about 10mn, when the bees have eaten the wax capping, like in case of a real birth.



Used with CNE2 and Cupularve. Closing diameter : 13,5mm.



Used with CNE7 and Hive Top Feeder. Closing diameter : 23mm.



Queens Marking :

2024 Green

2025 Blue

2026 White

2027 Yellow

2028 Red


Made of recyclable plastics.


Packaging :

CNE1 - Bag of 100 pieces.Cardboard box of 1.000 pieces, 1.6Kg, 26x21x16cm.

CNE2 - Bag of 100 pieces.Cardboard box of 1.000 pieces, 1.8Kg, 31x21x19cm.

CUP100 - Bag of 100 pieces. Cardboard box of 10.000 pieces, 3.9Kg, 33x23x21cm.

CUP1000 - Bag of 1.000 pieces. Cardboard box of 10.000 pieces, 3.6Kg, 33x23x21cm.

CUPVRAC - Cardboard box of 25.000 pieces in bulk, 9.2Kg, 43x31x24cm.

CNE4 - Bag of 100 pieces.Cardboard box of 1.000 pieces, 4.7Kg, 49x39x29cm.

CNE5 - Bag of 100 pieces.Cardboard box of 1.000 pieces, 6.6Kg, 51x41x33cm.

CNE7 - Bag of 100 pieces.Cardboard box of 1.000 pieces, 5.3Kg, 46x26x29cm.

CNE8 - Bag of 100 pieces.Cardboard box of 1.000 pieces, 2.3Kg, 33x23x21cm.

KNE9 - Bag of 100 pieces.Cardboard box of 1.000 pieces, 1.4Kg, 26x21x16cm.

B1 - Bag of 100 pieces.

B2 - Bag of 100 pieces.Cardboard box of 1.000 pieces, 1.6Kg, 26x21x16cm.



Caution : You could buy perfect imitations of our material.

To differentiate them, articles Support CNE1, Block CNE2, Hatching Cage CNE5 and Cap B1 are engraved Nicot.


To help you, Queen Rearing Chronology 

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Contact : nicotplast@nicotplast.fr - Pour tout contact, merci de mentionner vos nom, prénom, adresse postale et téléphone.